Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

Learn what drives & drains you of your energy & how you can master it to thrive in your life!

How do you show up in your life when stress takes hold?

Reactive? Frustrated? People pleasing? Overwhelmed? Frantic?

  • What might be draining you of your energy?

  • What lens are you viewing yourself and your situation through?

  • How does this effect your energy levels?

  • What would be different if you had more energy?

  • Imagine being able to shift out of stress more quickly & with greater ease!

  • How would that benefit you and those around you?

  • How would your life be different?


Measure what matters to improve your personal energy levels

Your skill doesn’t change from day to day—it’s your energy that changes and affects how well you perform. Whether it’s a sports, work, or home activity, learning to shift your energy is the one thing that changes EVERYTHING!

Developed by performance coaches, is the only assessment in the world that measures your energy IN THE MOMENT, showing you which factors are influencing you and giving you strategies to shift yourself BEFORE playing, performing, competing, or accomplishing just about ANYTHING.

Download the FREE SCOPE App by clicking on below

What is COR.E Energy Coaching?

Core Energy Coaching involves an “inside > out” approach, finding the root of your challenges and blocks to success, including any limiting perspectives you may hold about yourself or the world around you, defeating thoughts, and outdated beliefs picked up from your family, society, and the media. COR.E Energy is a powerful Coaching approach that helps you shift your inner blocks and create “choice” in how you think and feel while helping you develop and strengthen your ability to:

  • Create long-term solutions, not just band-aid fixes

  • Promote greater individual awareness of how you think, feel, and act

  • Help you perform better and accomplish greater results with less effort

  • Inspire others to reduce stress by changing their reactions to circumstances

  • Empower you to be the agent of change in your own life

  • Set the stage for sustainable transformation & growth

Perception is everything! How you see yourself & the world around you hugely impacts your energy levels


Where Mindset meets Metrics

COR.E Energy Coaching and the Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) Assessment are based upon iPEC’s 7 Levels of Energy Framework.

The ELI is an attitudinal assessment, which is based on an energy/action model. This assessment differs from personality assessments as it is not intended to label a person and have them work well within that label. Instead, it measures your level of energy based on your attitude, or perception and perspective of your world. Because attitude is subjective, it can be altered. By working with a coach using the ELI, you can alter your attitude and perspective, make a shift in your consciousness, and increase your energy and empower yourself in any area of life you choose.

Possibility thinking is the path to inner freedom & outer success!


The ELI assessment consists of two parts. The first is a simple online assessment that takes about 20 minutes to complete. After individually completing the online assessment, a live, scheduled debrief session with an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner helps you look closely at the results to better understand where (and how) you’re investing your energy.

When your assessment results are combined with the personally-tailored Energy Leadership Index debrief, the ELI assessment can help you look closely at where (and how) you’re investing your energy. In this way, you’ll be able to make a plan and adjust your priorities in support of your goals.

These powerful insights often boost productivity, communication, and morale among groups, and as an individual, you’re likely to see transformations in your relationships, confidence level, and self leadership skills.

In essence, Energy Leadership will help you lead by example, with power, purpose, and passion

What is the Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) Assessment?

The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) Assessment is the proprietary, research-backed insight tool, created by iPEC, that takes something abstract, like the way a person views the world, and turns it into something tangible—a metric that you can see and feel and even reevaluate in the future. 

You’ve probably taken personality tests, like Myers Briggs, DiSC, and Enneagram, but this is different. And transformational. 

The ELI is an attitudinal assessment tool that captures how you currently perceive and approach your work and life. This means that you learn to make change happen in real-time when you encounter a moment of self-doubt, fear, or frustration. 

With the awareness and insights gained through the Energy Leadership Index debrief, you have the opportunity to reshape your attitudes and worldview and transform your life into the one you envision.

Learn more here:


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Take the ELI Assessment

  1. Complete the form below to get started

  2. Get the link to take the 20 minute assessment

  3. Book your personal 90 minute online debrief session

  4. Receive your personalized 10-page report

  5. Get ready to gain some powerful insights!


The answers you seek are inside of you, I’m here to help you find them!