I’m on a Mission…

to equip busy professionals with powerful mindset and breathing techniques so you can master stress, so it no longer masters you.

Certified Leadership Coach | Growth Mindset & Resilience Specialist | Breath Work & Workshop Facilitator | Public Speaker

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Hey Christina here!

Thanks for stopping by… if you’re reading this chances are you’re looking for inspiration, someone that can help you? I’m going to be honest... I became a Coach to help me 7 years ago, when I felt lost, confused, disillusioned and more than a little frustrated! I remember saying to a friend “if I could bottle what I’ve learned and gift it to people, I totally would!”

Fast forward to today and I am as passionate as ever about helping people unleash their untapped potential, by cultivating an agile, growth mindset and embracing the transformative power of breathwork. I helps people discover the key to unlocking their inner peace and strength to achieve unparalleled personal growth.

Brace yourself for a journey of self-discovery as you tap into the limitless possibilities that lie within. It's time to shed the limitations that hold you back and embrace a new way of thinking that propels you towards success. Through intentional breathwork techniques, you'll learn to harness the power of your breath to calm your mind, energise your body, and tap into a wellspring of vitality. Embrace this empowering journey and witness the incredible changes that unfold as you step into your true potential.

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My Story…

In 2015 I hit the fuck it button on my life! After years of feeling increasingly lost and disconnected I quit my job of 10 years, bought a back pack and a round-the-world-ticket to travel solo and find the me I had lost touch with!

Let’s face it... the one certainty in life is change. We set off on this journey of life from childhood with hopes, dreams and desires; along the way developing this blueprint of how our future should look. What we “should” achieve! But is life really that linear?

In my own personal experience the answer is... NO, not quite. Life tests us, challenges us. If you’re lucky there are wild and wonderful times; and then there’s the heartbreak, the failing, the falling down, the wallowing and the process of picking yourself back up again, taking stock, reflecting on what we’ve learned to prepare us for what’s next.

At the end of 2014 my blueprint irrevocably changed. In fact it’s fair to say life reared up and smacked me down to my knees. It was there, that I truly became aware of just how unhappy I had become in my own life. It seemed I had been sitting in the passenger seat for too long. Were there pre-warning signs?... Yes, of course! But did I listen? No... of course not! Why? One word.... FEAR!

It's that experience that has brought me to retrain as a Certified Coach and start my own coaching practice. Authentic Action Coaching is a process of discovery, reconnection and powerful forward action from a place of confidence, of inner trust and knowing. For anyone who feels dissatisfied, lost, wants more or simply wants to reconnect with what’s important I would love to support you.


I remember saying to a friend, “If I could bottle this powerful feeling of true inner freedom” I would gift it to anyone feeling the level of despair I felt.

“Who were you before the world told you who to be?”

My Driving Values

  • Freedom

  • Authenticity

  • Connection

  • Creativity

  • Fun & adventure

  • Growth & mastery

    Values are like fingerprints, nobody’s are the same but you leave them all over everything you do. They help guide your decision making and actions. When aligned with who you are and what you care deeply about, they empower you to step confidently into every aspect of your life.

    When I became clear on my core values I felt a profound sense of deep inner knowing, which helped me take fully aligned action towards my future plans from a place of grounded confidence! That’s why I help my clients get clear on their core values, as this is a pivotal part of taking authentic action that is meaningful to you and what you want to create.

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“Having the courage to step outside of your comfort zone, will always result in powerful new realisations.”

— Christina Lord