Anita Joos Eyre - How to sit with the discomfort of not knowing what's next?


Big life changes often require a re-prioritization of what's important to us. Anita Joos Eyre shares her story of relocating back to Switzerland from New York with her husband and focusing on being a mom after the birth of their daughter. Career breaks can be daunting, but it's important to reflect on what interests us and what doesn't. Anita found her calling as a Certified Leadership and Transitions Coach by following her curiosity and exploring new possibilities. Change is rarely linear or logical, but creating space for reflection and asking explorative questions can lead to new perspectives and opportunities.

Making big life changes can be daunting, but sometimes it's necessary to reevaluate priorities. Anita Joos Eyre shares her Change Story on this week's episode, discussing her decision to leave a successful career in Global Media for luxury fashion brands in New York and relocate back to Switzerland with her husband and daughter. After the birth of her daughter, Anita felt it was time to focus on being a mom and take a step back from her career. However, taking a career break can be stressful and fear-inducing, especially when faced with the question of "What's Next?" Anita shares how she gave herself space and time to reflect on what she loves and what interests her today, eventually leading her to become a Certified Leadership and Transitions Coach. Change is never linear or logical, but by following curiosity and asking explorative open-ended questions, new possibilities can be envisioned.

From career changes, moving Countries to starting a family - making big life changes can often be driven by the need to re prioritise what is most important to you.

This was certainly true for Anita Joos Eyre who shares her Change Story on this week’s episode. Anita shares how she and her husband had chosen to relocate back to Switzerland from living and working in New York for over a decade, working in Global Media for luxury fashion brands. Following the birth of their daughter she felt it was time for a step change and wanted to focus on being a mom.

Career breaks can be both liberating and fear-inducing as we, at some point face “that” question - “What’s Next?” Where do I start? How do I figure out what it is I actually want, let alone how to get there once you’ve decided? (Gulp!)

Not knowing can be very stressful as we often associate it with feeling lost, purposeless and somewhat untethered. This can then kick up self doubt, anxiety and imposter syndrome - as we consider all the many possibilities (hello there overwhelm!) Anita shares how she found herself realising that her daughter was about to start first grade and she would have more time and space. Knowing that she didn’t want to return to what she had already done - she began the exploration into what was next?

It was March 2019 and the start of lockdown that Anita found herself with the space to sit in the “not knowing” for a while - asking herself all sorts of questions in the hope that something would surface. One question in particular sparked a light bulb moment, “What do you love? A very simple yet powerful question - that unearthed some important clues that would begin to lay the breadcrumb trail for what she would find.

We talk about the importance of giving yourself the space of not knowing - to reflect on what got you here and what interests you today. Anita shares how it was more of a feeling, a knowing that then gradually unfolded - as she followed her curiosity and began exploring and researching.

We can quickly find ourselves jumping in asking what? and how? Before we’ve even considered who we are today? What lights us up and feels energising and what doesn’t. The process is actually very simple and requires patience, curiosity and trust. Trust that the answer will be revealed if we let it.

Anita shares that change is seldom linear or logical. It instead tends to be full of twists and turns and unexpected folks in the road - that requires us to create space over and over again to reflect and ask ourselves some explorative open-ended questions.

Today Anita is a Certified Leadership and Transitions Coach with a passion for helping people with their life transitions, shifting old paradigms, expanding into new perspectives, and envisioning new possibilities.

Follow or connect with Anita here:





Watch the Episode on video below…

Christina Lord

As a COR.E Dynamics Energy Specialist, ICF Certified Coach & Master Practitioner in Energetic Empowerment, Christina specialises in helping people who feel stuck reconnect to their inner wisdom & power, identifying what boosts & drains them of their precious energy, & crucially how to gain a new perspective to energise themselves from the inside out! She founded Authentic Action Coaching in 2018 to share her love of Energetic Mastery & how to live life in alignment with who you are at your core.

Caroline Kelf - Finding the joy on the other side of discomfort!