Welcome to the
How Change Changes You Podcast

I'm on a mission to change our perception of change from a place filled with scary unknowns to a place packed full of possibility - allowing it to shape us, create greater resilience, confidence & trust in ourselves & are infinite capacity & capability to grow & evolve. I am soooo excited to have a plethora of people lined up from all over the world - who will be sharing their personal change story - from dealing with divorce, loss of a loved one, loss of self, career change, health challenges, transitioning genders - no change is off topic! Because WE are built & strengthened through the changes we face - large & small!


 Multiple Guests

Three Powerful Questions

Countless Insights

…& a whole lot of inspiration

Not to mention a potent biochemical shot of
gratitude straight from your ears to your heart!

Anita Joos Eyre - How to sit with the discomfort of not knowing what's next?

Anita Joos Eyre - How to sit with the discomfort of not knowing what's next?

Making big life changes can be daunting, but sometimes it's necessary to reevaluate priorities. Anita Joos Eyre shares her Change Story on this week's episode, discussing her decision to leave a successful career in Global Media for luxury fashion brands in New York and relocate back to Switzerland with her husband and daughter. After the birth of her daughter, Anita felt it was time to focus on being a mom and take a step back from her career. However, taking a career break can be stressful and fear-inducing, especially when faced with the question of "What's Next?" Anita shares how she gave herself space and time to reflect on what she loves and what interests her today, eventually leading her to become a Certified Leadership and Transitions Coach. Change is never linear or logical, but by following curiosity and asking explorative open-ended questions, new possibilities can be envisioned.

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Caroline Kelf - Finding the joy on the other side of discomfort!

Caroline Kelf - Finding the joy on the other side of discomfort!

What if losing your sense of joy becomes the catalyst that leads to creating a whole new chapter?

In Episode 15, I sit down with Caroline Kelf to discuss her journey of transformation. Caroline's change story begins after becoming a mother and struggling with postnatal depression. She felt lost and unsure of what she wanted out of life. However, through a Conscious Leadership Program, she was able to reconnect with her passion for dancing and music. This led her to question what she wanted to create and what her purpose was. Initially uncertain, she gave herself permission to experiment and started teaching herself to mix music.

As she played and experimented, her vision became clearer. She realised that she was here to share her love of music and empower other women to reconnect with their joy. Caroline's journey shows that self-discovery is a process that requires patience, courage and experimentation. By giving ourselves permission to try new things, we can uncover our passions and purpose in life - or at least our next chapter!

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